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2002, 27 entries
- [1 Book] Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Nonlinear dynamical systems with interrupted characteristics: Bifurcation and control, G. Chen and T. Ueta (eds), in Chaos in Circuits and Systems, Chapter 19, World Scientific, pp.385-402, Singapore, July 2002. DOI:10.1142/9789812705303_0019
- [1 Book] Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Numerical approaches to bifurcation analysis, G. Chen and T. Ueta (eds), in Chaos in Circuits and Systems, Chapter 28, World Scientific, pp.593-610, Singapore, July 2002. DOI:10.1142/9789812705303_0028
- [2 Academic Paper] Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Controlling chaos in a state-dependent nonlinear system, World Scientific, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.12, No.5, pp.1111-1119, May 2002. DOI:10.1142/S0218127402004942
- [2 Academic Paper] 辻 繁樹, 上田 哲史, 川上 博, 合原 一幸, 周期外力を付加した Amari-Hopfield ニューロン対におけるバースト応答の分岐, 電気学会, 電気学会論文誌C (電子,情報,システム部門誌), Vol.122-C, No.9, pp.1506-1514, Sep. 2002. [+]
- [2 Academic Paper] 高坂 拓司, 上田 哲史, 川上 博, 安倍 稔, Border-collision 分岐を呈する簡素な回路の実現と解析, 電気学会, 電気学会論文誌C (電子,情報,システム部門誌), Vol.122-C, No.11, pp.1908-1916, Nov. 2002. [+]
- [3 Academic Letter] 上田 哲史, 武内 朗, 寺田 賢治, フラクタル符号を用いた画像パターン検索の一手法, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(A), Vol.J85-A, No.2, pp.253-257, Feb. 2002. [+]
- [3 Academic Letter] 河辺 徹, 上田 哲史, 西尾 芳文, カオスノイズと反復焼きなまし法ノイズのTSPに対する解探索能力, システム制御情報学会論文誌, Vol.15, No.9, pp.510-512, Sep. 2002. DOI:10.5687/iscie.15.510
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Tohru Kawabe, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoshifumi Nishio, Iterative Simulated Annealing for Hopfield Neural Network, The International Association of Science and Technology for Development, Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, pp.59-62, Marina del Rey, U.S.A., May 2002.
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio, Tetsushi Ueta, Tohru Kawabe, Tohru Ikeguchi, Solving Ability of Hopfield Neural Network with Chaotic Noise and Burst Noise for Quadratic Assignment Problem, IEEE, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'02), Vol.3, pp.465-468, Phoenix-Scottsdale, U.S.A., May 2002. DOI:10.1109/ISCAS.2002.1010261
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation and chaos in asymmetrically coupled BVP oscillators, Proc. ISCAS2002, Vol.2, pp.544-547, Phoenix, AZ, May 2002.
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, An advanced design method of bursting in FitzHugh-Nagumo model, Proc. ISCAS2002, Vol.1, pp.389-392, Phoenix, AZ, May 2002.
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation and chaos in the extended BVP oscillator, Proc. NDES2002, pp.3-5-3-8, Izmir, Turkey, June 2002.
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Takuji Kousaka, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, Bifurcation behavior in a nonlinear circuit with a state-period dependent switch, Proc. NDES2002, pp.3-1-3-4, Izmir, Turkey, June 2002.
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio, Tetsushi Ueta, Tohru Kawabe, Tohru Ikeguchi, Performance of Chaos Noise Injected to Hopfield NN for Quadratic Assignment Problems, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'02), Vol.1, pp.267-270, Xi'an, Oct. 2002.
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Tohru Kawabe, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoshifumi Nishio, Comparison between Chaotic Noise and Iterative Simulated Annealing for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Proceedings of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA'02), Vol.1, pp.447-450, Xi'an, Oct. 2002.
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Hiroshi Kawakami, Kazuyuki Aihara, Bifurcations in gap-junctionally coupled BVP neurons driven by periodic external force, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Proc. of NOLTA'02, Vol.1, pp.307-310, Xi'an, Oct. 2002.
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Yusuke Nishiuchi, Tetsushi Ueta, Hiroshi Kawakami, On basin boundary of the extended BVP oscillator, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Proc. of NOLTA'02, Vol.1, pp.311-314, Xi'an, Oct. 2002.
- [5 Proceeding of International Conference] Atsushi Tsuda, Yusuke Nishiuchi, Akinori Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta, Applications of nonlinear signal processing by DSP, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Proc. of NOLTA'02, Vol.2, pp.1009-1012, Xi'an, Oct. 2002.
- [6 Proceeding of Domestic Conference] Tohru Kawabe, Tetsushi Ueta, Yoshifumi Nishio, Chaotic Noise and Iterative Simulated Annealing for TSP, SICE Annual Conference Proceedings, pp.2909-2912, Osaka, Aug. 2002.
- [7 Et cetera, Workshop] 原田 秀明, 高坂 拓司, 安倍 稔, 川上 博, 上田 哲史, バックコンバータ回路における分岐計算法, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol.NLP2002, No.100, pp.472-54, 北九州, Jan. 2002.
- [7 Et cetera, Workshop] Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio, Tetsushi Ueta, Tohru Kawabe, Tohru Ikeguchi, Solving Ability of Hopfield Neural Networks with Chaotic Noise and Burst Noise for QAP, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, IEICE Technical Report, Vol.NLP2002, No.109, pp.59-64, Mar. 2002.
- [7 Et cetera, Workshop] 辻 繁樹, 上田 哲史, 川上 博, 合原 一幸, 周期外力で駆動される Gap Junction 結合 BVP 発振器, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol.NLP2002, No.14, pp.39-44, June 2002.
- [7 Et cetera, Workshop] 津田 淳志, 西内 悠祐, 辻 明典, 上田 哲史, DSPを用いた非線形信号処理応用, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol.NLP2002, No.9, pp.7-12, June 2002.
- [7 Et cetera, Workshop] 西内 悠祐, 上田 哲史, 川上 博, 変形BVP発振器にみられる特異な応答とその Basin Boundary について, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol.NLP2002, No.15, pp.45-50, 高松, June 2002.
- [7 Et cetera, Workshop] 安原 義仁, 高坂 拓司, 上田 哲史, 川上 博, 状態と時刻に依存したスイッチを有する非線形回路の解析, 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, Vol.NLP2002, No.76, pp.43-48, Nov. 2002.
- [8 Reports] 川上 博, 吉永 哲哉, 上田 哲史, 有限群の表現を用いた対称結合非線形回路の合成法に関する研究, 平成11-13年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)(2))研究成果報告書, pp.472-54, 徳島, Feb. 2002.
- [8 Reports] Hiroshi Kawakami, Tetsuya Yoshinaga, Tetsushi Ueta, Nonlinear Science Laboratory, Supplemental report of Kaken, pp.472-54, Tokushima, Feb. 2002.
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