Tetsushi Ueta Curriculum Vitae
- Mar. 1987 Associate Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Kochi College of Technology
- Mar. 1990 Bachelor of Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Tokushima Univ.
- Mar. 1992 Master of Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Tokushima Univ.
- May 1996 Doctor of Engineering, Information and Mathematics, Tokushima Univ.
- Aug. 1992 : Assistant professor(research associate),
Dept. of Information Science and Intelligent Systems,
Tokushima University.
- Apr. 1997 : Associate professor(lecturer), Dept. of Information
Science and Intelligent Systems,
Tokushima University
- May 1998 - Apr. 1999 : Visiting researcher at Prof. Chen,
Dept. of EE, Univ. Houston, TX, USA.
- Oct. 2002 : Associate professor, Center for Advanced
Information Technology, Tokushima University.
- Apr. 2009 : Professor, Center for Advanced
Information Technology, Tokushima University.
- Jul. 2010 : Professor, Center for Administration of
Information Technology, Tokushima University.
- Apr. 2012 : Director, Professor, Center for Administration of
Information Technology, Tokushima University.
- Apr. 2016 : Vice Director(Public Relation, Info. Admin.) of TU.
- Apr. 2018 : Vice Director(Public Relation, Info. Plan.) of TU.
- Apr. 2020 : Vice Director(Info. Strategy, Public Relation) of TU,
Vice Director, University Library
- First-class technical radio operator (on-the-ground services;
professional), Japan
- Type-I Chief Transmission and Switching Engineer, Japan
A list of published papers, proceedings is here.
- Institute of Electronics, Information
and Communication Engineering, Japan. (IEICE)
- Student Member, 1987-1990.
- Associate Member, 1990-1991.
- Member, 1992-2012.
- Senior Member, 2012-2021.
- Fellow, 2021-
- Administrative Committee member,
Nonlinear Theory and its Applications(NOLTA) 1996 - 2004.
- Technical Committee member, Nonlinear Problems (NLP),
- Vice Chair, NLP, 2011.
- Chair, NLP, 2012.
- Advisory, NLP, 2013-2017.
- Permanent Reviewer, Trans. IEICE, 2003-
- Associate editor, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals,
- Secretary and Technical Committee member, Network Dynamics,
- Administrative Committee member, Subsociety of
Nonlinear Theory and its Applications(NOLTA) 2008-2013
- Associate editor, Trans. IEICE, EA, 2009-2013.
- Steering Committee member, NOLTA Society, 2013.10-2017.05
- Associate editor, Journal of NOLTA, IEICE, 2013.10-
- President-in-elect, NOLTA Society, 2018.06-2019.06
- President, NOLTA Society, 2019.06-2020.06
- The Society of Instruments and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE), Circuits and Systems Society(CAS)
- Member, 1994-2007
- Senior Member, 2007-
- a member of Technical Committee, Nonlinear Circuits
and Systems(NCAS), 2001 -
- Associate Editor, Trans. CAS-II, 2003-2005.
- Student Activities Chair, Shikoku Section, 2007-2008.
- Student Branch Councilor, Tokushima Univ., 2008-
- Professional Activities Chair, Shikoku Section, 2009-2010.
- Chair, CAS Shikoku Chapter, 2015-2017.
- Vice Chair, Shikoku Section, 2019-2020.
- Information Processing Society in Japan (IPSJ)
- The Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan (RISP)
- Member, 2004
- Editorial Associate, 2005-
- Administrative Committee Member, NCSP, 2008-
- Vice Editor-in-Chief, Journal of RISP, 2013-2020
- Takuji Kosaka, PhD, Mar. 1999.
- Shigeki Tsuji, PhD, Mar. 2005.
- Yusuke Nishiuchi, PhD, Mar. 2007.
- Quentin Brandon, PhD, Sep. 2009.
- Daisuke Ito, PhD, Mar. 2015.
- Takeshi
Mar 2019.
- Yuu Miino,
PhD, Mar. 2019.
- Seiya Amoh, PhD, Mar. 2024.
- Mitsuru Katayama, PhD, Mar. 2025.
- Secretary, NOLTA 1996,
- Publication Chair, ITC-CSCC 2001
- Publication Chair, NOLTA 2002
- Publication Chair, NCSP 2004
- Publication Chair, NCSP 2005
- Publication Chair, NCSP 2006
- Technical Program Chair, NCN 2006
- Publication Chair, NCSP 2007
- Technical Program Chair, NDES 2007
- Publication Chair, NOLTA 2007
- Technical Program Chair, NCN 2007
- General Chair, NOMA 2007
- Publication Chair, NCSP 2008
- Publication Secretary, NOLTA 2008
- Publication Chair, SSJW 2008
- Publication Chair, IWVCC 2008
- Techinical Program Chair, NCN 2008
- Publication Chair, NCSP 2009
- Publication Chair, NOLTA 2009
- Techinical Program Chair, NCN 2009
- Publication Chair, NCSP 2010
- Publication Chair, NOLTA 2010
- Techinical Program Chair, NCN 2010
- Publication Chair, NCSP 2011
- Technical Program Chair, NOLTA 2011
- Technical Program Chair, NCSP 2012
- General Vice Chair, NCSP 2014
- General Chair, NCSP 2015
- General Chair, NOLTA 2015
- Executive Committee Chair, MAW 2022
- Session Chair, ``Controlling Chaos,'' NOLTA 1996,
- Special Session organizer,
``Bifurcation of Nonlinear Systems with Non-Smooth Characteristics,''
NOLTA 1997
- Session Chair, ``Bifurcation of Nonlinear Systems with Non-Smooth Characteristics,'' NOLTA 1997
- Session Chair, ``Fractal,'' NOLTA 1999
- Special Session organizer, Session Chair,
``Intelligent Computation Based on Nonlinear Theory,'' AFSS 2000
- Member of ISCAS Review Committee, Nonlinear circuits and systems,
ISCAS 2001.
- Session Chair, ``Controlling Chaos and its Applications (II),''
NOLTA 2000.
- Session Chair, ``Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Circuits,''
ISCAS 2001.
- Session Chairs, ITC-CSCC 2001
- Session Chair, NOLTA 2001
- Organizer, (Special Symposium) ``Coupled Oscillators as Analogies
of Biological Activities,'' IEICE General Conference (in Japanese), 2002
- Session Chair, `` Stability and Control,'' ISCAS 2002
- Session Chair, ``Nonlinear Circuits and Systems I,'' NDES 2002
- Session Chairs, ``Pattern recognition'' and so on, NOLTA 2002
- Session Chair, ``Power Systems,'' ISCAS 2003
- Session Chair, ``Chaos Theory II'' ECCTD 2003
- Technical Program Committee Member, ICCCAS 2004
- Session Chair, ``Piecewise-Continuous Systems I'' MWSCAS 2004
- Session Chair,
``Nonlinear Circuits Design and Implementations,'' ISCAS 2005
- Session Chair, ``Chaos and Bifurcation I,'' NOLTA 2005
- Review Committee Member, Nonlinear circuits and systems, ISCAS 2006
- Technical Program Committee Member, NOLTA 2006
- Technical Program Committee Member, ICCCAS 2006
- Session Chair, `` Applications of Nonlinear Methods in Circuits
& Systems II,'' other two sessions, ISCAS 2006
- Review Committee Member, ISCAS 2007
- Session Chair, ``Oscillators'' NCSP 2008
- Special Session Organizer, NOLTA 2008
- Session Chair, NOMA 2009
- Session Chair, NOLTA 2009
- Session Chair, NCSP 2010
- Session Chair, NOLTA 2010
- Organizer, (Requested Session) ``Some Aspects on Post-Robust Control
for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems'', IEICE Gen. Conf. (in Japanese) Mar. 2013, Gifu.
- Organizer, (Requested Session) ``New Development of Post-Robust Control
for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems'', IEICE Gen. Conf. (in Japanese) Mar. 2014, Niigata.
- Session Chair, NCSP 2016
- Review Committee Member, ISCAS 2018
- Special Session Organizer,
``New feature and dynamics in hybrid systems,'' NOLTA 2020
- Special Session Organizer,
``Advanced Computations for Nonlinear Problems by Python I and II,'' NOLTA 2023
- Session Chair, ``Nonlinear Analysis, Chaos and Bifurcation II,''
NOLTA 2023
- Secretary, IEICE Trans. Special Issue on Nonlinear Theory and
its Applications, 2002.
- Associate Editor, IEICE Trans. Special Section on Papers
Selected from ITC-CSCC2005, 2005.
- Associate Editor, IEICE Trans. Special Section on Nonlinear
Theory and its Applications 2006.
- Associate Editor, IEICE Trans. Special Section on Nonlinear
Theory and its Applications 2007.
- Guest Editor, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers,
Special issue on ``Advances in Oscillator Analysis and Design'' 2009.
- Guest Editor, Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 16, No. 4, July 2012,
Special Section on Papers Awarded the Student Paper Award at NCSP'12
- Guest Editor, Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 16, No. 6, Nobember 2012,
Special Issue on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications, and Signal Processing
- Guest Editor, NOLTA, IEICE, Vol. 7, 2016,
Special Sections of Recent Progress of Nonlinear Theory and Its Applicaitons
- Guest Editor, NOLTA, IEICE, Vol. 16, 2025,
Special Section on Resolving Nonlinear Problems by Python
Contact address: ueta @ tokushima-u.ac.jp