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Academic Paper
Hironori Takeuchi, Kenji Matsuura, Tetsushi Ueta, Tomohito Wada, Development of a Support System for Recalling 3D Vision from a 2D Plane, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Vol.32, No.1, pp.(inpress), Dec. 2024.
Abstract: Basketball tactical patterns are typically taught using tools such as 2D tactical boards. Rapid decision-making in a team depends on the ability to connect two-dimensional (2D) third-person positions with three-dimensional (3D) first-person perspectives. This study develops a support system that offers a virtual environment to enhance the efficient recall of 3D vision from a 2D board. The proposed system generates static or dynamic 3D visualizations based on 2D inputs. A total of 30 volunteers participated in this study and were randomly assigned to groups that received either 2D images, static 3D images, or dynamic 3D images. The study evaluated participants ability to accurately recall a 3D vision from a 2D board under both constrained and unconstrained time conditions. The results indicate that under constrained time conditions, a learning method that uses static 3D images in response to 2D operations is more effective than traditional learning methods based only on 2D images.

Contact address: ueta @